Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Man, The Legend

We had our follow up appointment with Dr. Rice today. It was the first time I've had to get Lacey and Lawson ready all by myself and go anywhere. (We went to his regular pediatrician yesterday just for a weight check to see if they need to change his medicine dosing, but Brian met us at home before we went.) We were pretty excited that he us up to 9lb 10oz!!! Dr. Rice was excited to see us and very pleased with his progress. He did mention the x-ray that Dr. Majure had shared with us last week. He pulled it up for us to look at together again today. He pointed out that the right lung (the good one) is quite distneded, which it had been before we left the NICU. This was caused by the right mainstem intubation. He said that we shouldn't worry about it, but the fact that he mentioned it makes me worry a little. His exact words were, "Hmmm . . . I thought it would have gone back to normal by now." He recommended we come back for another x-ray in 3 months. I know I'll worry until then and be ridiculously overprotective, but it's been way too long coming to snuggle this little miracle to take any chances of getting him sick again!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Mitzi and Family -
    Wonderful news! Hurrah! My love and thoughts are with you always. As Dr. Phil says, "If you want a miracle, be a miracle." Thank you, Lawson! As I said to my son before an important job promotion interview, "May the force be with you"!
    lotsa love, -Gretchen
