Friday, March 20, 2009

One week

This time one week ago, I was laying in the hospital bed at Duke wondering what time they would induce labor. We had been told the night before that they would start sometime in the morning. It didn't actually happen until 2pm, but that's neither here nor there at this point.

It's so crazy to look back on everything now. Everyone I know had made some sort of comment about how huge I was. It came to be a joke among friends, a question of strangers, and an awe inspiring thing to the children. We came to find out that it was actually a problem, the problem, which lead us to the ultrasound which ultimately saved his life. When my OB said I was 'measuring big', it never occurred to me that there could be a problem. I just expected them to move up the due date. I remember having the same conversation with everyone I passed at school about my appointment on Wednesday. "There's no way you'll go until April!" "I'm sure they'll change your due date!" "You're just so huge!" "He's going to be a REALLY big boy!" The specialists at Duke said that my uterus, the day they induced labor, was the size of a full term twins pregnancy!! The medical term for this problem is polyhydramnios. My polyhydramnios, coupled with his fluid in the lung cavity and possible CCAM tumors, were the deciding factors in delivering early.

Tonight at 11:09pm Lawson will be one week old! We're on our way to the hospital now and based on what we've heard so far, we'll have nothing but good news to share!


  1. Hey girl!! I can't believe it's been 1 week already!! When I saw his picture earlier this week, I thought..."what a sweetie, and doesn't he look like a soldier ready for battle?" Miss ya!! And if Lacey needs a me!!

  2. Mitzi, Brian
    Sylvia and I pray for you and Lawson daily. I know he is a fighter.

  3. Hey,
    We're praying for you! Please let me know if I can do anything---food, babysitting, cleaning, you name it.
    Happy 1 week, Lawson!
    Samantha Maxwell

  4. I pray that this will be a confort to you. There is a large team of prayer warriors, here at Good Friends Fellowship Church and Quick Study TV. We are praying for Lawson, your family, doctors, nurses and all who are a part of Lawson's wonderful care. May God bless you and keep you, may He shine his face upon you, and give you peace. Amen. Michelle Wake

  5. Yay! Happy 1 week b-day Lawson!

  6. Happy 1 week birthday, Lawson!

  7. It is wonderful to hear that Lawson is doing better each day!Thank you for the updates..I will continue to pray for Lawson and think of you! He is definately a "fighter"! I admire your positive spirit and strength're a wonderful mother!
