Friday, March 20, 2009

Two steps back

I guess the positive conversation we had with Dr. Goldstein yesterday made me overly optimistic. I guess I failed to hear the 'barring any further complications' part of the conversation. I guess I didn't want to believe that anything else could go wrong.

When we were on our way out the door to the hospital today, we got a call from the Nurse Practitioner. She said that Lawson had had an 'episode' where his blood pressure shot way up and his heart rate shot way down. This combination can sometimes be indicitive of a seizure. The nurse said they had also seen him 'lip smacking' which is another sign of seizure in an infant when coupled with those symptoms. There were a ton of doctors in the room when we arrived because he had just had another episode. Although they could not say for sure it was a seizure, they could not rule it out and wanted to pursue it. They called for an ultrasound of his brain and an EEG, similar to and EKG, but they do a reading of brain activity rather than heart activtiy. The doctor said if the ultrasound showed it was a seizure, then we could know for sure, but if it did not show a seizure, it didn't really prove anything. Just before we left this evening, they had the results and the ultrasound said everything looked normal. This would usually make me feel better, but according to the doctor, it doesn't prove anything; we still don't know what's going on. They were going to do the EEG later this evening and call with results . . .


  1. Hi proud of Lawson's one week birthday!!I am following your news daily and praying a special verse for him every day...I was thinking about how hard it must be to leave that little lamb everyday and was so so encouraged by his little verse for today..."the Lord stood by my side and gave me strength..." That is such a precious image for you and Lawson...blessings, Debbie

  2. Dear Mitzi,
    We are praying for you all. We have started a prayer chain for Lawson in Colorado and Pennsylvania. You are doing an amazing job of staying strong for Lawson. Remember that you are supported by many more people than you know, so in those moments you feel down, we will lift you up. Here's a bunch of BIG hugs and kisses for you all: XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX! We love you so much!
    Jennifer and Morgan

  3. thanks so much for creating this blog so we can keep up with everything .we are praying for Lawson and all of you, take care Carolyn we love you all ,

  4. You are in our thoughts every day. The kids ask about Lawson often. We are sending Lawson and you all a big,giant squeeze and kiss. We are looking forward to more good news next week!

    The other Leverings

  5. John and I think about you guys all the time and send oodles of love as well as prayers your way!
