I was reminded recently that it's been a very long time since I've posted anything on the blog. I realized it's been even longer since I've REALLY 'written' like I used to do. There was a time when I thought I would keep 'our story' updated much more often than I do. And then life happened! There have been sooooo many exciting, wonderful, hilarious, crazy, sad, happy moments that I really meant to 'preserve' but somehow I never find the time to just write. I don't beleive in resolutions, but I promise myself I'm going to try and update more often!
Speaking of resolutions, 2009 couldn't possibly have been any crazier in the Levering house! January was mostly normal, besides me being ridiculously hugely pregnant at only 5 months. In February, we flew to Florida to see my best friend Danielle and her family (imagine hugely pregnant woman in a baithing suit-Yikes!). In March, my world was rocked when my little man
arrived 6 weeks early, not by his choice, but doctors orders. From there on, it was full throttle! We spent at least 3 hours, usually more, at the Duke NICU every single day for 78 days. In April, we watched our little man battle for his life and finally have a very
risky surgery to remove half of his lung. In May we watched him get better and better as I struggled with trying to breastfeed him. On the last day of April, we finally
brought our little miracle boy home! June was filled with non-stop doctor appointments and
saying goodbyes, both to my Kindergarten class, which I hadn't seen since March 11 and to my mom, who had been with us while Lawson was in the NICU. In July, I
cleared out my classroom and 'offically' became a stay home mom. In July, I also got the awesome news that Lawson had grown out of his swallowing problem and so
we could begin breastfeeding, only to find
he wouldn't do it, so I continued to pump. In August, Lawson went on his first vacation to Carolina Beach. I was still pumping religiously, but ended up running out of milk because of an unfortunate power outage/
freezer debacle. September was definitely a Lacey month; she got her
first ever haircut,
started a new preschool, and
celebrated her 4th birthday. In October, we had our world rocked again . . .
Brian lost his job at the company he had been with for 13 years! November brought even more drama. What we thought was going to be a quick visit to family turned into an extended stay with Brian's elderly, ailing grandparents in New Jersey, a visit to my sister in Alexandria, VA, a few days New York City, and then Thanksgiving in my hometown, Honaker, VA. Seriously, of the 31 days in November, we slept in our own beds two nights! By December, Brian had been offered a job in Emporia, VA. We spent the month researching online and traveling to visit possible places to live. Brian accepted the job and was set to begin in January. And so we closed the book on 2009 with CHANGE being the only thing certain for 2010!!!!